Moosuri Moose Facts

Distinguished by its massive antlers, long snout, short tail and powerful body, the Moosuri Moose is the largest member of the deer family.
Hidden Moose Corners yearly stats:

  • Annual average rise in Moosuri Hidden Moose population:  (rare set of twins in 2021!) +-2% change.
  • Vehicle collisions: Zero
  • Average adult weight:  Male = 1600 pounds.  Small female = 800 pounds.
  • Color: Range from golden brown to dark brown. 
  • Favorite foods:  willow and birch twigs 6-8 feet above the ground.  Winter Moosuri hay.
  • Predators: Human. (no wolves or bears to report)
  • Hunting:  None. Strict No Hunting Policies Enforcement!

Hidden Moose Management Consists of:

  • Monitoring population size and,
  • Distribution and occasional relocating an animal that becomes a nuisance (if determined a danger to community discovery, itself, humans, or all).  Relocations are rare.
  • The occasional inclusion of a bull moose that has discovered the herd.

Fun Facts:


Moosuri Hidden Moose Antlers are their fastest growing tissue of our moose population, and a big bull can grow a 100-pound rack in a summer (up to 6 feet wide), adding more than a pound of bone and an inch-and-a-half of length each day. 

Moose vs. Deer Droppings:

Compared to deer droppings, moose droppings are larger, lighter in color, and contain more cellulose material, according to our experts. It’s really difficult to tell from pictures sometimes, but moose droppings are bigger and longer than deer droppings.  If the droppings are dry and cracked, it is because they are old and not left there recently. If they still glitter & shine from moisture and each one spreads like grainy peanut butter or room temperature chocolate chips when you slide your boot across them, it could have been minutes, or an hour or two, depending on the weather. If they are still steaming in the cold morning air, you know they’re close

Moose Hoof Prints:

Moose prints tend to be 5 to 6 inches in length, while deer prints tend to be roughly 3 inches long.

Most Frequently-Asked Questions

Q: How do you take care of a Hidden Moose?

A: Hidden moose must have two very important things…good forage and great coverage.  We are constantly removing brush and planting trees. We supplement food in the winter, but our feed troughs need to be specially constructed at a height of 5 feet.

Children ask great questions…! Madison, age 11 asks:

Q: Do Hidden Moose have birthdays?

A: Yes, Madison.  All creatures have a lifespan with birthdays!  Turtles, bunnies, horses, dogs and cats… even moose.  Moose years are three times faster than human years.  So, a moose your age might be as old as your parents are right now.  As caretakers, we have a birthday celebrations all of the moose once a year…for everybody!  Their favorite gift is food, so you can’t go wrong with making sure they have lots of leaves, bark and twiggs from trees and shrubs.  For birthdays we put bails of hay up in the trees and also put special treats around for them to eat…carrots, beets, celery, and lettuce!  They sure do love birthday celebrations.